Book Fair Thank Yous!
Our new Follett Book Fair was very well received with many expressing approval of the number and quality of the books made available for purchase! A very special Thank You goes to the volunteers who made the Fair a success: Nanah Kim, Kayla Smith, Amanda Quick and her mom Kay, Jason & Rachel Bothner, Janelle Perkins, Anna Kay, Sarah Giorgi Jones, Sandra Mallett, Jennifer Furrey, and Ashli Main! Love you! You made it fun!
Magazines Donated to the Library Learning Center:
Sam Jones in 2nd grade donated his collection of Ranger Rick Jr. magazines to the LLC! Thanks Sam! Kids will love reading those during checkout times!
Tech Cards:
Tech cards are being sent home this month! They provide students access to Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) digital resources. Databases, music, ebooks and more are available through their website. You may be prompted to enter the number on the back of your card - the PIN is 1234 (don’t change it!)